Gazos Creek Road and Butano SP

KG and I joined our herp class scouting trip on 10/17/09. We met at Butano and carpooled to the first location. We walked uphill, passing Red Huckleberry and looking under logs. A few Ensatinas showed up. A yellow myxomycete plasmodium covered the end of a cut log.

Reaching a meadow, we searched for Black Salamanders, with no luck. There was a scorpion under a log and a Slender Salamander. Down the hill, white myxomycetes, and another meadow which turned up another scorpion, a katydid, a tree with many orb webs shining in the sun, and an Arboreal Salamander.

Little Butano Creek Trail

Heading on to Butano State Park, we found logs with piles of termite wings nearby, a result of the emergence after the recent first rain. A newt, another Ensatina, and the cutest tiny juvenile Ensatina were also found.

We finished up around 1:30.

Photos are here.